On Sabbatum nighttime, play from 1800 hours on July 30, 2011, Bali's famous Kuta Beach leave pulse with the beatniks of a specific concert devoted to Komodo, the extant title of Flores. The concert is an key section of the "Komodo: The Existent Happening of the World" drive that was launched on July 1 at the Prince Kotler Uranologist at MIM Campus, Djakarta. The movement is aimed to evoke international world awareness and involution in the advance and saving of the Komodo dragon and its unbleached environs, found solely in Land by the island of Flores.The Concert for Komodo instrument be highlighted by Eastward Nusatenggara ethnical sound and faculty characteristic whatsoever of Indonesia's most well-known musicians, including Dwiki Dharmawan, Dira Sugandi, Compassion Dumais, Sandhy Sondoro, and others, who are start of the Friends of Komodo vocation.
The Friends of Komodo are an construction of individuals who are fervid roughly the conservation of Komodo, ranging from leaders in state-owned enterprises, the cliquish sphere, advise and media leaders, travelling agents, celebrities, youngness, women, netizen (Cyberspace users), and the general exoteric.
The concert, formed by Marketeers and Kompas TV is regular to be aired on Venerable 6. Redness and CEO of Markplus, In.c and Unscheduled Ambassador for Indonesia's Touristry, Hermawan Kertajaya, said that the faculty for choosing Bali as the scene for the concert is because Bali acts as the primary hub that connects travelers to Komodo Island. "There are more flights to Komodo from Bali," he other. To strain Komodo one staleness fly from Island to the townsfolk of Labuan Bajo on Flores, then bear a boat to the Komodo Subject Gear.
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