Friday 8 July 2011

Maria Hertogh dead, but the fearmongering will continue ...

"Bertha" Maria Hertogh (Nadra aka Hussein Ma'arof) died of leukemia on July 7, 2009 at his home in Huijbergen (Netherlands), at the age of 72.
Name Hertogh was printed all Singaporeans, especially in the generations after independence, as a synonym for race riots indelibly which in the spirit.Often his name in the local history and social studies books or classes of the national education, without the accompaniment of the sentence, never mentioned "our race harmony given take".
The case of Maria Hertogh a sad story of a battle of private child care was inflated in an international conflict, and shake as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and of course in Europe, where were the natural parents of Mary. On the surface, was the "Christian vs Muslim" a fight, but were in the game, not least in fact many factors and hidden intentions the fight for freedom from colonial rule in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.
It is undeniable that beer if the process took place pro-actively deplorable than the consequences of this battle of the guard of freedom by his insensitive management of the situation and his inability, the British colonial Government before the Supreme Court, the fateful day 11 December 1950.


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