Friday 8 July 2011

Was that just a date?? - Xinyu, China Travel Blog

I think that only with a date. Jesus, what happens?
It's hard to say. Most of the people was so generous, helpful and willing to show. Today, I felt really, that I was in China, not only in a large city, with illegible handwriting anywhere in the world.
It is a river in the South of the city. There is a charge of road and a garden in your bank with sculptures of the famous in the history of China. Close to one of the bridges was known as "Photo by 100 bridges" on a wall or something carved. In fact, this is an engraving in stone of 100 famous bridges in the world. It was cool animal sculptures all signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Later he was shopping in the city of Xinyu something where I finally
a few Shorts.Es seems that every second shop here has plenty of clothes for women, but I buggered am, if I find human clothing.
Now I have short films, Internet access and access to my money with the help of my dear friend.

By the way, I recommended to try mung bean ice. He is Jewish. It is very soft, but very cold. Basically was the wind with the wind, frozen peas, sweet.


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