Friday 8 July 2011

Friday morning, thirty years of shuttle flights ended in front of the space shuttle, which returns Atlantis after its departure.
This program was being the first every year.

[Snip] Everything began with the Mission of STS-1, published on 12 April 1981, only twenty years after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who became the first man in space. When astronauts John young and Robert Crippen morning started in Columbia, he started the new satellite for the first time in history on its maiden voyage with a crew on Board was.

For a generation, it was a space shuttle NASA. We saw a move first - Sally Ride, Guy Bluford, Kathy Sullivan, John Glenn, and others. We have seen, free astronauts float and launch and repair of spacecraft, such as for example Hubble, which have fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe. [Snip]
In fact, this was an amazing program and I am sad to see.

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